Our Heritage

Founded in 2020 by a group of engineers that wanted to change individuals, who didn't have to sacrifice to obtain greater happiness.

RedPhantom Group works to do the following: helps more people be happier, make the world a better place, and expedite change. Today, RedPhantom intends to construct a roof that gives everyone what they paid for. RedPhantom thinks that the best approach is to let everyone get high.


The RoadMap
Of RedPhantom

Our Roadmap

August, 2018

We Started

To have a thankful heart is to be on the road to greatness. It shows a lack of ego. It provides a strong basis for the growth of positive qualities such as prayer, faith, bravery, and contentment. We began to produce such excellence. Business is often referred to be the advancement of mankind.

November, 2018

Got A Goal

RedPhantom's goal is to spread happiness everywhere. The next firm to keep in mind is information technology. RedPhantom started work. After doing some projects, RedPhantom will know that vision will not complain. So RedPhantom started looking for a great opportunity. Using some scientists and research, they discovered big problems, which were endless obstacles to development. We started working on that problem.

The secret to success is devotion. We may not have gotten where we wanted to be or completed what we had set out to accomplish in our life. However, we must be willing to pursue insight and an amazing outcome.
- Sudhakar Rupnar (Founder)

Vision is important and "To be the prestigious and leading industry of entire market across the globe" is ours.

April, 2019

% Social Study Completed

A company must conform to the social environment beyond its doors, or it will be at risk. For businesses, this means they must understand what their customer's social preferences are in terms of their requirements and desires. Population values, beliefs, and behaviors affect these preferences and needs, and desires. And so we began with it...

August, 2019

% Social Study Completed

Why Social Study?

To illustrate the intricate connection between business and society, consider a system idea. The dynamic variety of business relationships with the other sections of society is enabled by the system.

A system is made up of interconnected components that work together as a whole. When anything has something to do with people, it is a social system. A social system is a system that consists of individuals and/or their organizations connected through connections. On the other hand, the system normally seeks out particular human subjectivities. These statements may help us in our search for answers as to why we are researching the connection between business and education.

December, 2019

Young India

Youth are the most vital and innovative portion of any country's population. Today's young people will certainly become tomorrow's innovative, creative, constructing, and leading leaders. But to be successful, individuals must be given the necessary assistance in terms of excellent health, outstanding education, focused training, and more chances to achieve success. In other words, when there are more job openings than people looking for jobs, the economic trigger has been hit. Simply stated, a country needs a bigger working-age population than a dependant population. More than 62 percent of the country's population is in the working-age range (15 to 59 years), while about 54 percent of the overall population is less than 25.

March, 2020

Future Of India

Youths seem to be capable of dealing with any and all problems. Their peers benefit from their influence. The teachers are able to guide the children to understand the benefits of life. Those who are doing all in their power to squander their future, are prone to listening to other people in their age group. They will make it clear that being a decent human being is crucial.

They have the ability to alter. Educational programming should seek to instruct and educate young minds at the primary and secondary school levels on the significance of selecting trustworthy individuals who will hold technopolitical power. The conventional belief has been that youngsters should stay away from politics. Teens should be excited about politics and want to use it as a way to help their country.

A critical role for youngsters in the nation-building process is required. These young individuals deal with problems, inspire others, and are very motivated. This little business has the capability to define itself and drive the country forward. Nevertheless, they will need the help of family, society, the government, and other youngsters to accomplish this. This provides an opportunity for the young to beautify their nation and promote their nation's growth and prosperity.

August, 2020

Research And Development

The driving force of economic development is innovation. However, what does promote innovation? In essence, R&D operations promote new information, methods, and technologies to be developed by scientists and researchers. With either the same number or fewer resources, individuals can now create more than before, which leads to higher productivity. When productivity increases, the economy expands.

November, 2020

First Market Test

After much effort, the model we had in mind came true. "CollegeShopee" is the perfect option for every need. We created a life-changing opportunity for college students. But schools are closed due to the high incidence of coronavirus. There is no market without customers. So we decided to start the "CollegeShopee" project when college started. The new blood was a big hit on the market. But RedPhatom decided to never stop. Again, we started looking for problems.

December, 2020


We're using trending technologies in our development. The influence of blockchain technology is being seen throughout the globe nowadays. We need to embrace blockchain technology if we want to grow fast. Having completed that, RedPhantom has now begun work on the blockchain. Blockchain technology is used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, education, government, and more. RedPhantom is exploring more than 10 different sectors using blockchain technology today. A transferable and safe system, culture, and conduct will soon be our country's contribution to the world.

Adopting a comprehensive strategy and roadmap to growing enterprise-grade AI empowers organizations to take advantage of AI for their companies. By pooling artificial intelligence, analytics, and cloud resources, this program brings innovative business solutions and remarkable user experiences. Future-proofing and scaling AI investments may be achieved via the use of integrated solutions that help manage the risks. Accessing, deploying, and contextualizing services from the applied AI cloud will be easy thanks to RPTN's Applied AI.

To realign their production to be more local and to introduce new offers quicker, firms require robust networks, a digitally linked workforce, and smart connected goods. This will need significant technical effort to update the product design, networking, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and containerization. Innovative operations positioned to react to up-to-the-minute client requirements and develop cutting-edge technological solutions while minimizing operational costs are the main objectives of RPTN Engineering Services.

March, 2021

Business Partner

For business development, a partnership with a large runner is an enormous deal. While keeping the same goal in mind, RedPhantom has teamed up with large multinational corporations all over the world.

For various sections of our company, working with these diverse partners may provide us access to a broad variety of knowledge. Additionally, a good partner may provide additional information and expertise that may assist us to expand the company or complementary talents that help us develop. When we have a partner, it may enable us to explore additional business possibilities while providing us with the freedom and flexibility to work more efficiently. Even in the worst-case scenario, it might save on opportunity costs.

August, 2021

Youth Development

In the context of youth development, this is the process through which a young person is prepared to face the difficulties of puberty and adulthood and to realize his or her full potential. It is important to encourage youth development via activities and experiences that assist young people in the development of social and ethical, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills. Involvement in youth leadership is an important part of the youth development process because it helps young people develop skills such as the ability to analyze his or her own strengths and weaknesses; the ability to set personal and vocational goals; and self-esteem, confidence, motivation, and abilities necessary to carry them out (such as the ability to establish support networks in order to fully participate in community life and have a positive impact). The capacity to direct or guide people through a path of action, to influence the views and actions of others, and to function as a role model are all examples of leadership.

17 August, 2022

4th Anniversary

Actually We Start Today

In saying this, we feel extremely pleased to declare that from the beginning, we are working on developing the country. During the past three years, the RedPhantom group has worked in many markets and on various issues in society. While working on the rigors of our studies, we came to realize that we had to focus on "Values" and "Money" in the future. To address the interests of our kids, we have done a number of research investigations. We must concentrate on their schooling. Their thoughts where do they go? What is going through their minds? They create their concept in a creative way. What theoretical foundation did they utilize to conceive of their purpose and goals? Lots of questions are up in the air. RedPhantom got started on it. We're looking forward to seeing you and spreading happiness together with you. Let's have a joint.

Why We Started

We've ceebrated the anniversary three years running, but today is the day—we have a vision, a purpose, and a roadmap to get us where we want to go. We have been looking for a bright future map for the last three years. We only have one now. We are responsible for the future. The only thing we have to do is take some active steps and that will result in good actions that make things brighter.

Announcement Of The Day : Career Phoenix

Career Phoenix, the earth's biggest internship program with 5000 students and professionals, is brought to you by RedPhantom Productions. Candidates will get a broad breadth of expertise from these programs, which will cover a variety of various market areas. We addressed a wide range of subjects throughout his presentation. From technological advancements to human behavior We wish to build up the strength of our young. A strong youth population equals a strong nation.

This program conducted by RedPhantom Tech Novelty Private Limited. For more details
Click here


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